Where are you in this climate action?If you heard of environmental awareness, sustainability, circular economy, eco-friendly, or refill stores are open in your country, or you…May 11, 2023May 11, 2023
When you are in hibernation-take double Self-CareThere is time we, humans hibernate or isolate, we tend to ignore the calling of our guardians or emotions.Jan 25, 2022Jan 25, 2022
Start with eliminate the not-wantedI am really curious, and I am curious how people spend their day? How it is like? How is their schedule like? Their routine like? What do…Jan 22, 2022Jan 22, 2022
To stay sane! Hang in there.Seem like what get us going is not purely just motivation or passion or purpose or vision, but the momentum of our tiny habit that becomes…Jan 20, 2022Jan 20, 2022
Why? Because I also menstruate.I have no idea I will become a peer educator/menstrual educator at this moment in my life. I thought I just want to share what I have been…Sep 18, 2021Sep 18, 2021
International Youth Day: a bit from me about Climate Change for you, young people.When you get to ride grab, put on update Carbon offset 100 Riel that is one thing I think you can do related to Climate Change. You can do…Aug 12, 2021Aug 12, 2021
Where are you in this puzzle?So today I join in the discussion with DSIL Alumni with the question “How do we heal a whole world, together?” It may sound too ambitious…Aug 10, 2021Aug 10, 2021