A never-lost-heart ❤

4 min readMar 16, 2023

Hey, so long people!

I know, but to me, to be able to come up with something creative is not every week. I want to say something today, I feel like I have to tell you about this experience because it is powerful and magical in my view and I can’t wait to put this down in writing and share it with everyone.

It is about “Faith”.

Whether you have your own definition or you never have one properly like me because the saboteur always trying to label it and manipulate me saying “maybe it is just hope, move on, there is nothing special there!” every time I get a glimpse of something called “having faith”. I want to share this tiny magical story that hopefully makes your day full of curiosity.

Years ago, in 2018, I had a project that involve Art therapy, it was such a beautiful experience for me that YES, 5 years later still is a colorful memory in my head. I feel like I still can see this little heart-shaped black stone that I picked up from a thousand and thousand of black-grey stones that were made to be a walking path with little grasses and trees growing nearby for natural decoration purposes of the place.

At the time, the therapist told us to go outside in nature and “Pick anything you feel that represents you” she said. I walked outside and observed things around me, I looked down and saw this unique alone and tiny little grass that grew out of a thousand grey-black stones path. As I was about to pick it up…but wait, I don’t want to kill that tiny being, and instead I decided to pick a stone out of so many stones… it turned out to be a heart shape small black stone“Listen to your heart” that was what I feel like I heard at that moment when I looked at it. Magically, the stone was gone after I told the therapist and the session finished. I didn’t know how it was just …gone either because I remembered I kept it in my pocket after I finished talking about it. I thought to myself that, it was just mean for this message and that is it. Bye.

I believe in lost stone, I mean…spiritually it means something about to come true or it has served its purpose and you have to let it goes.

2 weeks ago, my friend gave me this beautiful heart shape amethyst crystal stone, its purple is so light which makes it special and the moment that I touched it, I could feel the sensation and I knew this was special. I know what you are thinking… me too. But at that moment, nothing came to my mind at all.

Today in the morning, I suddenly think about that amethyst heart-shaped stone, but I couldn’t find it. I was taking it with me places and I might misplace it or maybe I forgot it somewhere.

The whole morning I bump into number 555 like 4 times, and it is ridiculous because I even freaking see it on the note when I have to pay for the delivery service in cash. What is the actual 555 supposed to mean? Not to mention that I saw 555 this whole week, today is just so….frequent, which is so unusual.

The coaching session was powerful, with lots of revelation, and by the end of the coaching session, the number 555 hit my head, again, and I told my coach about it. Maybe 555 is the answer, it is about me “having faith” first in myself.

After the session, I sit down for like 30 minutes and when I got up, I didn’t know why, but I want and I picked up this blanket on the chair in my room and there the amethyst heart stone, dropped on the floor in front of me. I picked it up, and that memory in 2018 just fly back into my head.

I feel like I found that lost heart with a new version. Maybe it never really lost….you know. That is at least how I see and feel it. It is just there already with me and it grows silently and shows its new version when the time comes. It is that small light that I always give metaphor about to my coach, that light that keeps burning despite the thickness of my saboteur, it is there to guide me, waiting for me to listen, to see, and to feel it again every time I lose the sight of “faith”.

I found this on the internet — :) ❤

